First Steps

When you lose a loved one it is natural to feel upset, overwhelmed, and unsure of what has to happen and what needs to be done. The hardest step is always the first, and our family is here to help you understand what needs to be done. I have a step by step guide which I hope you will find useful and easy to understand, to help make your first steps a little less daunting.


Registration of the death

When a death has occurred your first step is to obtain the doctors cause of death certificate, which will enable you to formally register the death at the registrar’s office in the district where the death has taken place. You will need to make an appointment to register the death. You will need the following information:

Deceased’s full name and address

Date and place of death


Date of birth

Marital status


Information about you

Name & Address

Relationship to the deceased

Utility bill


Forms issued by the Registrar

Green disposal certificate (for the funeral director)

White form (D.S.S) Cancels state pensions and benefits


Certified copies of the death certificate

These you will need to buy and are required for closing the following; Bank accounts, building society accounts, pensions and retain for family record.

One this formality is completed by the family, we can arrange the funeral service you wish.


Coroner's Involvement 

If the death has been sudden, accidental or the deceased has not been seen by their G.P recently, the Coroner may be involved. This means a delay in registration until  and examination has taken place by the hospital, or the Coroner's Office has spoken to the G.P.

Registration will be delayed until the formalities are completed, in the meantime we can advise you what to do. 


We hope his has been of some help in answering some of the questions you have. We are here to speak to directly if needed.